Tag Archives: card info

Tricks, The Life Of The Party

Have you ever been to a party that is totally dead? And did you wish that someone would come in the room and save the day? Did you maybe daydream that you could be that person and be an instant hero in a room full of beautiful babies? Well here’s an idea that may just fulfill this fantasy for you at that next bomb of a party–why not try magic tricks? That’s right magic tricks! I’m not talking about the huge David Copperfield type illusions and shows. […]

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Magic Tricks And Kids A Great Combination

It’s always enjoyable performing magic tricks for an appreciative audience. Once you get a few magic tricks under your belt, you’ll be hooked on performing your craft because there is something really rewarding when a well executed magic trick leaves your audience in disbelief and applauding all at the same time… and that’s the real magic. The element of doubt in the mind of your audience is the key to a good magic trick. Just a dab of doubt and you can see the people in your […]

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Tricks – Inventing Magic

Creating magic illusions is an increadibly satisfying aspect of magic that many magicians overlook. It leaves you with a unique trick that the audience will hopefully remember you by. However, there are many reasons why most magicians use off-the-shelf magic tricks. This article will explain some of the reasons for and against making illusions, and give some guidance. Uniqueness Creating a illusion will guarantee that nobody can say “I’ve seen that before”. Creating stage illusions is the most satisfying as it will look unique, feel unique and […]

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Tricks – Children’s Entertaining

Children’s entertaining is one area of magic available to us all – whether you are a parent performing to your child at a birthday party, or a professional magician hoping to expand your repertoire, children’s entertaining is a rewarding and enjoyable branch of magic. Kid’s magic is very different from close-up magic or sleight of hand – it is nearer to stage magic, with visual illusions to keep your audience attentive. When planning your children’s magic shows, it is essential to bear in mind that children have […]

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Magic Is All About The Show

Performing magic – or illusion – is really about more than just the trick that you do. There are certain magic tricks which, with the right amount of practice, we could all perform relatively easily. However, making a magic show is about a lot more than that. To really make it fly, you’ve got to be a showman as well. This should not be taken as being a notice that to be a proper magician you need to wear a cape and a funny hat. In reality, […]

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What Is Magic, And What Isn’t?

Magic, for some people, will always be a good way of explaining the seemingly unexplainable. At least, there will always be an impulse to put these things down to supernatural forces. There may be countless more believable explanations if one looks deep enough and if one has the full facts at hand, but for the sake of brevity, magic or illusion are always mentioned at such times. For instance, is “mind-reading” or any other “psychic” trick magic? Being able to tell what someone is thinking may be […]

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Magic, Illusion And Our Minds

When you are a child, one question that you are sure to be asked is “Do you believe in magic?”. You are almost conditioned from that point to not believe in it, because answering “yes” is more likely to result in the mockery of older children than it is to bring any positive results. After a certain time, we are not going to believe in magic no matter how much we want to. And this is an important factor – surely we would all like to believe […]

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How Magic Has Changed Through The Years

It is often felt that the best possible punishment for a bad illusionist would be to send them back in time to the Salem witch trials or any other historical arena in which witches and wizards were subjected to harsh punishment. Indeed, there was a time when people who showed anything that could be interpreted as “magical powers” were burned, drowned or otherwise subjected to a horrible death. Fast forward to the present day and magicians are legitimate family entertainment. And the more we come to know, […]

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