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Kinds Of Magic Tricks

Magic is one form of entertainment enjoyed by many people from all walks of life. It is something that will never cease to amaze people both young and old. If one wishes to become a good magician, it would be a great help to know the various types of magic tricks before performing any. Magic tricks are done in a wide variety of ways and fall into different types; The first one is called close up magic. It’s the type that requires the least skill and many […]

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Tips On How To Do Magic Tricks For Free!

I’m often asked what the best way to start to learn how to do magic tricks would be, and although it can be different from person to person, I’m sure I can provide a few hints and tips that may help and probably more importantly, – what you should try to avoid. I think the most important thing to do when just starting to dabble in magic, is to learn a few simple magic tricks that can be done without having to use any gimmicked apparatus or […]

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The Magicians Magic Tricks

While the magic tricks are great, most are easy to do. Magic tricks are designed to please crowds, which inevitably forms a majority at most gatherings. Magic tricks are the most popular form of magic entertainment. Self-working magic tricks are effects that require essentially no skill, and can be learned in a few minutes. Magic tricks are often amusing, surprising and make us think. Magic tricks are based on scientific principles but people do not seem to connect magic and science. The best magic tricks are based […]

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Skepticism In The World Of Magic

Many people are skeptical about magic, particularly stage magic. However, there are many different types of skepticism, and some are more valid as forms of criticism. For example, a lot of people can see what a magician is doing to give the appearance, or the illusion, that magic is being used, and will call attention to it. This is fine, and separates good illusionists from bad. Then there are others who start from the position that “magic is not real”, and will deride a stage magician for […]

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The Little Magical Touches

To perform magical illusions to any successful degree, it is important to be in command of what the audience sees and what they believe before, during and after the trick is performed. So much of what an illusion is about pertains to what you allow the audience to believe, what you say and what you don’t. Knowing this is one of the first steps to being a skilled stage magician. It is completely permissible to lie through your teeth as part of a stage performance. It’s no […]

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Selling A Magic Trick

Illusion may not carry the same aura of fascination that is inherent in “magic” as a concept, but if you happen to really make it work, and are really good at it, then you can still impress people with what you are capable of. As much as anything else, good illusion is about “selling” the trick – making it appear that you are seeing the same thing that the audience are seeing, and keeping an air of mystery about it. There are various ways to sell a […]

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When Shall We Three Meet Again?

Although anyone with an appreciation for the author’s craft would have to be in a supremely bad mood to deny the quality of the Harry Potter books, you could forgive someone for being a little bad tempered over the fact that people seem to relate every book about witches and wizards back to them. Witches and wizards have been present in literature since long before JK Rowling put pen to paper, and will continue to be so. Shakespeare himself uses three witches to compelling effect in perhaps […]

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