Tag Archives: simple tricks

Tricks – Black Art

Black art is an old form of magic that is rarely used today in its original form. The effect black art produces is fantastic, it is as close to trick photography as you can get without a camera! A magician practising black art will find a stage and dim the lights. While he and his assistants are wearing white, the audience can see them. The performers then command items to appear and move around. Versions of ‘sawing a woman in half’ are performed and you can see […]

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Learn Magic Tricks

My daughter is very interested in finding out more about magic. She has wanted to learn magic tricks ever since she saw Greg Wiggle try to pull a rabbit out of his hat on the Wiggles’ television show. This year for Christmas I got her a magic kit so that she could start doing some simple tricks. Though her interest in this is on and off, she has learned to do a few simple tricks. Just when I think she has had enough she comes back for […]

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How To Do The Best Magic Tricks

If you are a newbie magician and you want to improve your magic tricks, follow these tips and you are guaranteed to perform magic tricks that will amaze your audience. Be Natural The secret in having a great sleight of hand is your naturalness. There should be no hand wagging, no hand waving, jerky or quick motions. You should work naturally, deliberately, and slowly. If you master this, balls, coins, rings, cards, and coins will begin reappearing and disappearing at the tips of your fingers. Watching your […]

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Types Of Magic Tricks – How They Do

There are many kinds of magic tricks, but most fall into one of a few categories. Oftentimes, a magician will specialize in one or a few areas. For those who employ a range of techniques, they will often develop some type of persona or specialty act to differentiate themselves from other performers. Just as other entertainers often find a niche, so too do magicians. While no type of magic is particularly easy, some types are common for beginning magicians, such as learning sleight of hand tricks. Most […]

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Blowing The Whistle – It Won’t Always Make You Popular

Many of us – perhaps most – have at one time or another been the ones to inform a group of friends or a younger sibling that the guy on the TV who seems to be making colored handkerchiefs appear out of the palm of his hand is actually doing no such thing. At the moment we do it, it makes us feel somewhat powerful. We’re in on the secret! However, part of the enjoyment of magic or illusion is the very real spell it casts on […]

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Illusion Is Not A Dirty Word

There is no shortage of people who will criticise illusionists for giving the appearance of being able to do something while not explaining that it features no more real magic than a pen does. One can only wonder at such a response. After all, do the same people walk up to Leonardo di Caprio and slap him for pretending to have drowned when the Titanic sank? For this is what illusion is – the ability to create an appearance that something has happened, when in reality it […]

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Magic’s Making A Comeback

The difference between magic and illusion is perhaps most persuasively explained if you have read the Harry Potter books or similar fiction written around a magical world. In the “Potterverse”, magic is very much a real thing, and indeed the binding and guiding force of the world the characters inhabit. Things that those characters do could never be explained by illusion. In the world of Harry Potter and his friends, acquaintances and enemies, the casting of spells does change the effects of natural forces. With certain spells, […]

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Can You Perform Magic?

“Magicians” are constantly among the entertainers that are most commonly booked for children’s parties. This love of magic might dissipate as we get older, but there can be no doubting that a skilled magician will have both the children and the adults at any party looking on in astonishment as they perform tricks which seem on the face of it to be impossible. Of course, the fact that the tricks are being done means that they are not impossible. However, it is that fine line between what […]

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